At Qwest Electric LLC, we know that safety is everyone’s responsibility. Safety transcends job titles. Each individual needs to make a personal commitment to working safely, always. To encourage this type of personal commitment, we try to help our people understand that their actions at work not only affect Qwest Electric LLC as a company, but they also affect their families and personal lives as well. Everyone has someone who is counting on them to come home from work safely, and by reinforcing safety on a deeply personal level, employees are less apt to take unsafe shortcuts.
We hold our sub-contractors and suppliers to the same high levels of accountability. We continue to use our expertise to help raise the safety awareness of the companies that work for us.
Qwest Electric’s philosophy of Continual Process Improvement (CPI) provides a framework to maintain an Incident and Injury Free Environment. We recognize that there is always room for improvement, and that we cannot become complacent. This means we are always looking for a safer, more efficient way to do our tasks.
At Qwest Electric we never feel “our job is done” when it comes to safety.